Redevelopment Project
HRM is planning to redevelop the Halifax Forum.
The proposed plans include the preserved façade of Halifax Forum Arena, two ice surfaces, multipurpose and event space, expansive concourse to support facility connectivity and programming, a new greenspace, and parking for approximately 150 vehicles.

To access the HRM page specific to the Forum Redevelopment, please click the following link:
Halifax Forum Renovation | Halifax
15.1.7 Halifax Forum Building Analysis – Amended motion approved that Halifax Regional Council:
- Approve the redevelopment approach for the Halifax Forum complex as outlined in the staff report dated November 12, 2019, including the restoration of the Halifax Forum in accordance with the Heritage Property Act, for the development of a second arena, multi-purpose/event space, parking, and greenspace;
- Direct the Chief Administrative Officer to:
- a) engage with the Halifax Forum Community Association to determine the size and composition of the multi-purpose space on the basis of it being primarily for community events and uses as outlined in the staff report
- b) determine the potential for partnerships on the Halifax Forum complex lands for private mixed-use development, as outlined in the staff report dated November 12, 2019; and report back to Regional Council;
- Subsequent to exploring partnership opportunities, direct the Chief Administrative Officer to include funds in the 2021/2022 capital budget.
- Engage the public in partnership with the HFCA to receive feedback on the proposed design during the time of investigation of potential partnerships.
- 2023 (Jul) Halifax Forum Re-Development Project on HRM Regional Council agenda
- 2023 (May) Sackville Sports Stadium – HRM Staff propose renovation by 2027-2028 $30 Million. Built in 1990, one expansion 2000. Renovation in 2019.
- 2021(Aug) Halifax Forum Building Analysis – Potential Partnerships Report. Staff recommended approval of updated building program in report including: 1. (a) freehold development site (b) increase multipurpose program space. Directed CAO to engage the public and HFCA regarding parking and parkland proposals, and return to Regional Council with recommendations on a final design and redevelopment approach for the Halifax Forum
- 2019(Nov) Halifax Forum Building Analysis – Nov 26/19 Regional Council | Staff presented the forensic audit and report, and council formally approves the redevelopment of the Halifax Forum
- 2017 (Sep) Dartmouth 4PAD (RBC Centre) opens. Approx cost $43 million
- 2017 (Sep) Dartmouth Sportsplex opened 1982. Spring 2017 closed for renovations until April 2019. Approx cost $28 million
- 2017 (Jun) Indoor Ice Surviews Review. Report includes 2017 Indoor Ice Surface Review; Halifax Forum Redevelopment Proposal dated March 2013(3 rinks); Halifax Forum External Review of Business Case and Projections; Presentation by Staff to HRM Regional Council. Staff presented the Peer Review Audit & Building Assessment and recommends a forensic audit to inform building program.
- 2016 (Nov) Approval to Expand the Dartmouth Sportsplex Passed Unanimously
- (May)Tender for a Peer Review Audit & Municipal Building Assessment.
- 2014 (Jul) Council rejects closing the forum & votes to keep/redevelop it Minutes
- 2014 (Jun) Municipal Staff recommends closing The Halifax Forum Agenda
- 2014 (Jun) Arena Consolidations-Long Term Arena Strategy Presentation Jul 29/14
- 2014 (Jun) Long Term Arena Strategy: Consol of Aging Arenas Revised Jul 29/14
- 2014 (Jan) HFCA formally submits adjusted Plan to Council
- 2013 (Mar) HFCA submits proposal to Parks & Rec.
- 2012 (Aug) Long Term Arena Strategy
- 2011 (Oct) Multi-District and Event Facilities Report Incl 2008 Facility Master Plan
- 2011 (Jan) The Asbell report
- 2010 (Fall) HRM 4Pad Bedford (BMO Centre) opens. Approx cost $40 Million
- 2010 (Aug) The Asbell report – Dartmouth Sportsplex Revitalization
- 2010 (Aug) HRM Peninsula Rec Facility & Service Review Final Rept Forum – Pg 60
- 2008 (Jun) Community Facility Master – Minutes of meeting
- 1990 Sackville Sports Stadium opened.
- 1927 (Dec) Halifax Forum opens.